samedi 2 mars 2013

Info... suite .... c'est mieux

La situation semble évoluer plutôt favorablement, voici les dernières nouvelles en direct de Rome

Following this week's summits and today's statement of the Mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno, confirming the Rome Marathon on March 17, these are the eventualities for the race day.
A) ONLY IF THE POPE'S ENTHRONEMENT FALLS ON THE MARATHON DAY, due to the ceremonies at the Holy See, race start will be postponed to the afternoon, no later than 4:00 pm. Racecourse will be the same as ever, starting and finishing by the Colosseum WITH St. Peter's Square included.

B ) If March 17th will be the day of the first Angelus of the new Pope, race will start at 9:00am. Start and finish area will be the Colosseum as always. The neighbourhood around the Holy See will not be included in the marathon course.

C) If by March 17 a new Pope has not been elected yet, the marathon will start at 9:00am from the Colosseum, and the route will be the traditional one, with possible diversions around St. Peter's.

In any case, decision among the abovementionend options will be made by the Institutions (Prefecture) only, in consideration of the Papal Conclave schedule.

ONLY in the eventuality of an afternoon race start, Rome Marathon 2013 entrants will have the opportunity to postpone free of cost their registration to one of the following editions of the event: 2014, or 2015, or 2016. Postponement terms and conditions will be communicated only in the eventuality of the start delayed to the afternoon. Requests will be processed only after (and only if) an afternoon-start decision is made.

Voilà qui me satisfait, et même si le départ est reporté à 16h, pas de souci, je le ferai. Par contre la course va se terminer de nuit.... pour certains, temps limite 7h! Déjà qu'en 4h celà fait 20h, je ne suis pas sûre qu'il fasse très jour à 20h surtout à Rome qui est un peu plus à l'est.

2 commentaires:

Eric a dit…

Ouf voilà des bonnes nouvelles !

valdes a dit…

Mais tu cours vite @Mimie ... alors t'arriveras à temps et avant la nuit !

Good news.

Allez hop, je vais jouer les bookmakers londoniens : nomination papale pour le ... 19/03/13 !

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